Sunday, July 24, 2011

Juice Fasting Day One For Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Since I bought my juicer yesterday I was only able to juice for the evening. That makes today my first full day of Juice fasting.

I started the day off by getting on the dreaded scale. This, if I'm going to document, had to be done. The numbers were not good -- 2.8 lbs more than normal. Guess all that vacation eating caught up. Oh well :/

Since I'm doing this all out-- here you go-- > a scale shot. Ay yay yay! I'm going to do this damn scale shot every day.

I must be crazy to do this!

Thank goodness that's over!

I started the day with a delicious fruit veg juice.

To see more post on this topic click here:

Morning Orange Sunshine

10 strawberries
2 oranges
1 lemon
1 apple
3 celery stalks
3/4 a bag of baby carrots
1 dash cinnamon

This was enough for me and E.

I have not been hungry at all, however I have dizziness that comes in waves. And not good waves like the Pink Floyd version. I read up and I think I'm detoxing. Apparently it's normal to feel cloudy, dizzy and lethargic for the first few days. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I don't like feeling dizzy.

On a side note, this morning it was easier for me to get up. It's usually hard for me to get out of bed, today was surprisingly less difficult. That in itself gives me impetus to move forward.

More updates and info tomorrow.


If you want to read from the beginning about my foray into juicing, Click hereHere!

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