Saturday, June 5, 2010

Artist Opportunity – CityArtCal

We are almost halfway through 2011 and this is what I know:

* Creative expression is being censored more and more.

* The arts are minimized in schools, while science, math, sports are front and center.

* Funding for the arts is being slashed- NEA's use of art as political propaganda distorts creative truth!

As creative thinkers we question, push the envelope and tend to be more in touch with our intuitive natures. We have a job...our larger purpose as artists is to visually record and interpret the world around us... to feel, express and create.

We CAN Make A Difference! As artists we need to be visible... our art seen... over and over again. Proactively educating and reminding people that the history of art is the history of mankind. Proudly... I have been called, "a rebel with a canvas"....something we all can be proud to be!!!

As artists we already have the medium for change...

More than half the 2011 book is filled... send in your release today! It works...

Art is not seeing different landscapes,

but seeing landscapes with different eyes.




2 1 4. 7 3 9. 4 7 7 5

Art awakens, engages, instructs, broadens,

defines, and restores our humanity.

If you would like your call to arts listed Email

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