"Float Me," Mixed Media on Paper, 11" x 15," artist: Billie Giese
What is your name and what is your position at the Gallery: Mabel Peck, Gallery director
Describe your Gallery space: Housed in a 1940’s cottage on the south shore of Bachman Lake, Norwood Flynn Gallery exhibits and sells fine art, including paintings, sculpture, drawings and new media with an
emphasis on unique contemporary Texas artists.
How long has the gallery been open: Norwood Flynn Gallery opened in November, 2005, as Studio 3318 with a juried show featuring works by forty regional artists.
What type of work do you showcase: As the gallery has evolved, our artists represented are a smaller, high quality group, each bringing their own unique vision to the synergism here. The mission of the gallery is not only to provide a venue for the exchange of creative ideas. The purpose is to show quality work by artists committed to growth and exploration through their work.
Do you work with local artists or artists from all over: We are continuously looking for new Texas artists to add to our group
Do you add new artists regularly and if so what is the process in which you select them: Artists can submit images and bios online or by mail with CD.
What is your personal favorite exhibition from the gallery, past or present, and why:
It is impossible to pick a favorite exhibition from the gallery, but the two most recent exhibits were especially memorable. The past exhibit, "David Leonard: Street Level," was exciting because it of David's vivid cityscapes, "an attempt to express how the architecture live with every day has taken over natural landscapes and shapes our existence with boundaries defined by industry, concrete and glass," to quote Jennifer Davis of the Dallas Observer. The exhibit prior to that was a solo show,"Value & Myth: Recent Sculpture and Drawing by Michael O'Keefe." Michael is our exciting young sculptor whose work is a fresh and exciting interpretation of the classical figure using broken plaster and bronze.
How many shows do you have each year: We have 4 shows a year.
What is a typical event like at the Gallery: Typically we have an opening night artist reception with the artist(s) present, wine & cheese. Our gallery is also an event venue and we have had everything from weddings to flamenco dancers here.
Just for fun who is your favorite artist, living or dead, and what about their work moves you: Dallas , Texas 75235
My favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh. Color, skill, cutting edge for the time he painted, contemporary interpretation of everyday things.
Do you have any up coming exhibit that you would like to tell us about:
Works on Paper: Gallery Artists
Thursday, February 12 through Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Norwood Flynn Gallery will showcase “Works on Paper by gallery artists Melissa Auberty, Jack Barnett, and Billie Giese. The show opens Thursday, February 12 and runs through Saturday, March 28, 2009. All shows are free and open to the public. The public may call 214-351-3318 or visit www.norwoodflynngallery.com for information.
Norwood Flynn Gallery
3318 Shorecrest
Media Contact:
Mabel Peck
214-351-3318 office, 214-406-8775 cell

Norwood Flynn Gallery
If you are an artist or gallery and would like to participate in an interview please email me at sivy221@aol.com
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