Dahlia Woods Gallery
What is the name of your Gallery: Dahlia Woods Gallery
What is your name and what is your position at the Gallery: Dahlia Woods Owner Artist, Jonathan Woods Director
Describe your Gallery space: Intimate, Contemporary, Friendly
How long has the gallery been open: 31/2 Years
What type of work do you showcase: Emerging and Established Texas Artists
Do you work with local artists or artists from all over: Texas
Do you add new artists regularly and if so what is the process in which you select them: Yes, high standard of talent that woks well with gallery ideals
What is your personal favorite exhibition from the gallery, past or present, and why: We like all of them, each one is unique and exciting
How many shows do you have each year: 8-10
What is a typical event like at the Gallery: Opening, live social event with music and artist talk
Just for fun who is your favorite artist, living or dead, and what about their work moves you: Wassily Kandinsky, fauvist, which means beast, using color boldly to describe a scene or emotion
What new things do you have in store for this year: Sculpture and Mosaic
Do you have any up coming exhibit that you would like to tell us about: April 17 "Smoke and Mirrors" Mosaics by Jami Pink and oil paintings, etchings by Andrew Wick 6 - 8:30 pm
April 18 Dada Gallery Walk, All day Gallery event from 11am - 8pm
Contact Person Jonathan Woods

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