Robert Lewis Plein Art 101
Pacific Grove, CA, USA United States of America
"Plein Air 101: Fundamentals Intensive" will be taught by Robert Lewis. These TWO three-day workshops, in one of the most beautiful places on the California coast, designed to firmly establish your plein air oil painting skills and take you to the next level. This is a fundamentals course for painting plein air landscapes in oil. You will learn the plein air technique used by Robert Lewis and a grounding in sketching, color mixing, working fast, and dealing with the environment.
About the Workshops
Workshop Session One: March 23, 24, 25, 2011
Workshop Session Two: March 28, 29, 30, 2011
This is a fundamentals course for painting plein air landscapes in oil. You will learn the plein air technique used by Robert Lewis and a grounding in sketching, color mixing, working fast, and dealing with the environment. These three-day intensives will take you out of the house and into the world where you will learn useful concepts and techniques designed to maximize your painting success on location and create a solid foundation for your future plein air work. Here are the subjects we will be covering...
* "Field Sketching Essentials"
Teaches the importance of being able to execute quick sketches on location as a powerful means of capturing the composition of the landscape. Effective sketching discipline and practice allows the artist to quickly get the basics of the landscape blocked in, reducing the details to major areas, and recognizing the relative values. Students will complete about 20 pencil sketches in a less than two hours for the purpose of gaining a lot of experience while learning not to become attached to the sketch as a "drawing".
* "The Secret Code of Color"
Explores a few traditional color palettes and teaches color mixing and laying out the palette logically. Explores four color palettes, the Zorn, the old masters palette, Monet's palette (according to him), and a Lewis' palette which uses elements of all of these palettes.
* "Immediacy: The Quick Study in Oil"
Building upon the quick pencil sketching practice and the color work we have done, this segment teaches the student to quickly block in basic shapes and prepare to add details, working from larger to smaller brushes and taking advantage of a leveraged palette of colors. Quick studies in oil can remain standalone paintings or be used as a basis for a final piece. A demo by the instructor will be followed by painting along with the students. You will learn how to work fast and loose. Watch a Demo.
* "Artist's Demo Painting"
A demo painting using what we have learned and introducing the preparation of the canvas and using the pencil sketch and building upon the quick oil sketch technique to begin the painting. Finish the painting and follow up with a Q&A.
* "Putting It All Together in a Plein Air Paint Out"
On location, we put all the ingredients together in painting sessions on location in which the instructor paints along with the students and offers individual feedback during the paint out.
* "Critique"
After the main body of work, Robert will take time to privately critique the work of any artist that asks for it. Robert's hope to offer useful suggestions and give encouragement.
$280 per person, payable in advance, for each three-day workshop; a total of at least 18 hours of instruction per workshop. Register online with your credit card or PayPal account.
There are TWO workshop sessions available:
Workshop Session One: March 23, 24, 25
Workshop Session Two: March 28, 29, 30
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