ADC Contemporary Art Gallery
2011 Open Exhibition & and
Call for Proposals
Deadline for entry: March 10th. 2011
Send Proposals to: ADC Contemporary Art Gallery
1330 Factory Pl, Building i
Los Angeles CA, 90013
This is an Open Call for proposals for an exhibition and a full representation in Downtown, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
This call is open to artists from all over the world working in all visual media.
Proposals for exhibitions by both individuals and collaboration artists will be considered.
The gallery represents and had programs for artists from across the country and around the world.
The exhibitions challenge our perspective and stir dialogue with our viewers.
The individual or group associated with the chosen proposal will receive a solo exhibition at ADC Contemporary Art
Gallery as well as future representation. The artist/s will also receive a stipend and an exhibition catalog.

Deadline for Entry: March 10th., 2011
address __________________________________________________________________________________________
city______________st.__________ zip_________________________________________________________________
email ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Add me to our exhibition opportunities list? y / n ENTRY CHECK LIST
Please be sure you have completed and included all of the following:
_ Entry form - completed, and signed.
_ $40 check, Payable to ARTDECOLLECTORS GALLERY, money order, or online payment via
paypal: adcgallery@gmail.com
_ Print out of Proposal and CV-
_ Print out of Proposal and CV-
_ CD of images and Proposal / CV
_ Return postage and packaging materials.
Los Angeles, CA , 90013
Works included in the proposal need not be the final works for the exhibition, but they must accurately show the quality, subject matter, media, installation, and general dimensions of.
Artists may submit up to 15 to 20 images for consideration.
Lisa Melandri is Deputy Director for Exhibitions and Programs at SMMoA, where she has served in a managerial and curatorial capacity for ten years. Melandri is the curator or Combustione: Alberto Burri and America (2010, with Michael Duncan), Enigma Variations: Philip Guston and Giorgio de Chirico (2006, co-curator Michael Taylor)
and William Pope.L-Art After White People: Time, Trees and Celluloid...(2007), and is currently organizing monographic projects for SMMoA on multi-media artist Marco Brambilla and post-war artist Salvatore Scarpitta. She will serve as co-curator with SMMoA executive director Elsa Longhauser for the upcoming exhibitions Beatrice Wood: Career Woman and Al Taylor: Wire Instruments and Pet Stains. At SMMoA, she is responsible for the Project Room exhibition series, and has featured such national and International emerging artists, as Simmons&Burke, Nira Pereg, Nicole Cherubini, Virgil
Marti, Jeni Spota, Loren Holland, Mariella Bettineschi, and Arnold Mesches.
She was curator of the traveling exhibition Rosamond Purcell: Two Rooms and also has organized such curatorial projects as Mary Cassatt, Alice Neel, Karen Kilimnik: Painted Faces (2001), and Omage: Otis Faculty Exhibition 2008 exhibition and publication (2008). Before joining the Museum in 2001, Ms. Melandri was Acting Artistic Director at the Galleries at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia. Melandri received her BA magna cum laude at Harvard University and MA in from the Williams College Graduate Program in the History of Art.
Every creative act should be the perfect marriage of idea and execution. This concept has driven Brent Turner's communications work over the past decade for a distinctive roster of art organizations, events and galleries-including Samuel Freeman, Garboushian Gallery, Los Angeles Art Association, C.O.L.A. Grants, California African American Museum, and the Los Angeles Art Show-and it this concept that continues to draw him to the contemporary art industry. He has curated work for LOOK Gallery at the LA Mart Design Center, is a founding member of Alt|Space LA, and currently runs the communications firm the Campbells in Los Angeles.
An entrepreneurial and successful senior sales executive, has been involved in the establishment and management of International Art Fairs, since 1989. Primarily as domestic and international sales director.
Starting with a fair in Chicago in 1990, Evelyn has worked with fairs in Hong Kong, Palm Springs, Las Vegas and with Art Miami since its inception in 1991 until 2008
Since then she manteins the position of Director of Sale of the Los Angeles Art Show.
Her initial dedication to Latin America resulted in obtaining the participation in international fairs, for the first time, of many galleries from that region. In subsequent years her dedication included Europe and Asia, primarily Spain, France, UK, Germany, Mainland China, Korea and Hong Kong.
Laura Feinsilber born in Buenos Aires, Argentina where she lives and works.
Laura Feinsilver continues to live and work in her hometown, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Since 1987 weekly contributing editor for the newspaper Ambito Financiero and since 1992 for Arte al Dia.
Since 2005 contributing editor for an art program in Radio Cultura. Sponsor of the Prize Jorge M. Feinsilber on Art Essays published in 1989-1991- 1993 .
Nominated for the prize Fundacion Emilio Pettoruti (1995). Jury in National and International Visual Art Contests. Covers International Art Biennials, Fairs and gives lectures related to art. Member of the Argentine Critics Art Association. Member of the board of Friends of Sivori Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Delfin is an artist and Visual Art director at CEARTE, Center of the Visual Arts in Ensenada, BC, Mexico.
Delfin is an explorer, someone who has found in the art how to approach the understanding of earthly existence. Work with the simple to explore the complex: the human being that is beyond their material existence.
Working and studying largely in Mexico and Spain, he explores the complex through the simple;
the human being that exists beyond the material realm.
Exhibition Details
Exhibition Calendar
After June 2011
Deadline for entries - Entries must be in gallery by 6pm March 10th. 2011
Late March- Artist notification
Directions for Entry
How to Apply
1. Image entry will be MAC compatible JPEG digital files only. Review will be by digital image only. We regret
that we cannot review images via email. CDs must contain the artist's name on both the actual CD and the case. JPEGs should be no larger than 300 dpi at approximately 4 by 6 inches. All digital files must be in JPEG format and must include the artist's name and title of the submission (Title.jpg). Please do not use quotations or spaces in file names. (Artists
may submit up to 30 images for consideration)
Video and time-based submissions should be both PC and Macintosh compatible. Files should be submit-
ted in .MOV format. Website links will not be accepted as submissions.
Written proposals and CVs are to be submitted in hardcopy and digital Word Document format on CD.
Please provide a clear and concise description of the work to be exhibited, outlining the main themes and ideas, and describing how the work will be installed in the gallery space.
2. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) with postage for the return of slides or CDs.
Entry Fee and Form Guidelines
A completed entry form and payment MUST be together with the proposal or the entry will be disqualified.
A non-refundable fee of $40.00 must accompany each entry form. Payment may be in the form of check,
cash, money order, or online via Paypal : adcgallery@gmail.com
Checks are to be made payable to ARTDECOLLECTORS.
Gallery Guidelines
All work must be for sale. A commission of 50% will be taken on all works sold as a result of this exhibition. Payment will be mailed to the artist within 30 days of the exhibition closing or when the artwork is fully paid by buyer.
Works are insured while in ADC Gallery. Artists are required to sign an Agreement and a Terms and Condition Agreement if accepted. ADC Gallery will keep the CD of accepted works and reserves the right to reproduce the images for all media and publicity purposes.
Artists are responsible for shipping their work to the gallery in sturdy, reusable boxes. Return shipping
must be prepaid and enclosed with artwork. ADC Contemporary Art will not be responsible for any damage incurred in transit.
Final measurements must be inclusive of frame, if applicable. Weight may not exceed 150 pounds.
All entries must have been conceived and created by the artist submitting the work. All
work selected must be ready for exhibit: 2D work must be framed with secure hanging devices; 3D work must be suitably prepared with instructions for installation. The gallery reserves the right to reject work that differs from submitted images. Limitations
Jury Process
Marisa Caichiolo
Board of Directors
ADC Contemporary Art Gallery
Factory Art Complex
Art District, Downtown LA.
1330 Factory Pl.
Los Angeles, CA, USA 90013
Email: adcgallery@gmail.com
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