I hope you’ll consider submitting work for placement on Henderson Avenue this year, 2011.
For H.A.P.2 we will be selecting 7 more sculptures and 4 paintings to add to the 10 works of art already placed.
We will be accommodating the painters with easels placed on the street. To see a sample: http://hendersonartproject.com/easel2011.html
The entry fee is $25. Selected artists will receive an $800 stipend and then eligible for the prize money of $3,500, $2,500, and $1,500.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you plan to submit work and I’ll post you on the H.A.P. web site.
This is one small way we can promote you and benefit from your association on this community art project.
The link to the entry form is on the TSA web site www.txsculpture.com. Please COPY the application and put in a Word file or into an email, fill it out with your information, and return it to Scott Trent scott@hendersonartproject.com via email. Please also send an image with the link you’d like posted on the web site. You can mail the entry form to “Support the Arts,” or we can invoice you for the amount through paypal, which accepts all credit cards.
Thank you for your participation! Because of you, we’re better.
214-202-7325 cell
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