What is your name: Mark Richard Luther
Do you have a formal art education or are you a self taught artist: I have taken art lessons in my teenage years with an Artist Jack Zilko-also I have taken a painting course at the Art Student's League in New York City.I am mostly self taught.
What is the style of your pieces: Impressionism or representational
What is the medium in which you work: Watercolors and Oils
What started you on your path as an artist: A pencil and a piece of paper my Mother gave me when I was five years old
What is one of the most important things that art has brought to your life: A creative life that I see things differently then anyone around me-I have Artist eyes.There is a painting idea in everything I see
What is your favorite genre of art besides the one you work in: Realism-One day I would love to achieve that in my artwork
Do you have art showings, and if so what are they typically like: I had 6 art showings-they have been very encouraging and sold about three to five artworks at these shows.
Do you have a certain set of clothes you make art in: no just my regular street clothes
What has been the most frustrating part of being an artist? For me being an artist has always been a fantastic journey nothing frustrating
What is your favorite sandwich of all time: Turkey breast with American cheese on whole wheat
Has this year brought about any changes in your work, and if so what are they: I think i gotten better over the years
Who is your favorite artist alive or dead: Rembrandt-is one of my favorites.I have so many
What is the most moving piece of artwork that you have seen in person: Rodin's Lovers
Do you have any animals, and what do they think of your work: no
Do you have any upcoming exhibitions you would like to share with us: none pending
www.artscuttlebutt.com/markrichardluther markrichardluther64@hotmail.com
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