What is your name: Bonny Leibowitz
Do you have a formal art education or are you a self taught artist: I did go to Temple University's Tyler College of Art for 2 years, yet I would say I am largely self taught; a consistent dedication to creating and growth.
What is the style of your pieces: My work is fairly balanced aesthetically and conceptually. I'm currently working in two very different mediums; layered photography dealing with figures in various states of being entwined with natural elements such as fibers, roots and dirt and my mixed media work on boards also including elements from nature; seeds, dirt and roots. Conceptually the work concerns itself with moments; choices we make which effect change and create new realities. It's a visual: www.bonnyleibowitz.com
What started you on your path as an artist: I guess initially, it was just the recognition of something I was naturally good at, well, as opposed to sports and just about everything else. Later a love of the art world, learning, looking and a keen interest in creating and expressing.
What is one of the most important things that art has brought to your life: Well, art is life. It's the energy; the continuous dialogue within, the means to exploring perceptions, interaction and communication.
What is your favorite genre of art besides the one you work in: I've always been drawn to Abstract Expressionism yet I'm super intrigued with all that is going on right now often times conceptually perhaps speaking to causes or small nuances of a subject utilizing objects, installation, video or performance etc. I like when materials are used to support the concept rather than being a slave to the medium.
Do you have art showings, and if so what are they typically like: Yes, it takes a while for me to get a large body of work together so one-person shows occur once every year or two but I often include the work in group shows in the meantime. I'm working on this new group of pieces I think will be pretty fantastic. I'm showing at Rising Gallery. They have a wonderful energy there and my show this past November was beautifully hung had a great turnout. I'll have to let you know when the next one comes around.
Do you have a certain set of clothes you make art in: Jeans and a t-shirt. I have a closet full of painted up clothes.
What has been the most frustrating part of being an artist? I'd have to say not having as much time as I'd like to get more work done. I'm always filled with visions of where the work will go and how to execute it, so I cherish my time.
What is your favorite sandwich of all time: I would have to go with the hoagie; being a Philly girl.
Has this year brought about any changes in your work, and if so what are they: Yes, After my last show, I felt a need to look inward for new direction. I began to contemplate choices symbolized by these seeds and roots which I am now using. The pieces are tactile and immediately inviting.
Who is your favorite artist alive or dead: Gosh, there are so many, I'll mention a few here; Judy Pfaff for incredible energy and aesthetic pleasure, Anselm Keiffer for depth of concept and commitment to what's real and Cy Twombly's earlier works for richness of surface and spontaneity.
What is the most moving piece of artwork that you have seen in person: Wow, there have been so many but I immediately went to an experience of being overwhelmed by an enormous Jackson Pollock at the MOMA. Being totally engulfed by thousands of layers of paint was awesome.
Do you have any animals, and what do they think of your work: I do not have any pets right now but I use to have a great cat named Beast. He loved my work
Phone 214-405-5993
email bonny@bonnyleibowitz.com
If you are an artist or gallery and would like to do an interview please email sivy221@aol.com
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