Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Artist Interview: Kimberly Sue Toogood

What is your name: Kimberly Sue Toogood
Do you have a formal art education or are you a self taught artist:
Self taught I was working the artisian way as a guide to find some sort of creative expression. This also led me to take a couple of classes at the local Kalamazoo Institute of Arts.

What is the style of your pieces:
I call them old school cut and paste with a side of poetry. They are all created out of repurposed materials, old magazines. Even the words, I dont cheat with the words either, I can not tell you how much time I spent in my "box of words" to find a why? and a Because. Kind of curious to not have those words so easily found.

What is the medium in which you work: Mixed media collage is the "catagory"

What started you on your path as an artist: I just started the creative process in my early 40's as a way to unearth some of the hidden treasures and buried secrets of my spirit.

What is one of the most important things that art has brought to your life: The art has brought a sense of connection to a zen space with in me. I find a completely safe space to reflect, connect and understand the internal stirings.

What is your favorite genre of art besides the one you work in: I love metal sculpture, there seems to be something very masculine about it.

Do you have art showings, and if so what are they typically like: I have had three small shows in businesses in my community, opening night with apps and wine. I have experienced  good  reception to my art work, I love to watch the expressions on the face or another form of non verbal communication when a piece resonates with the viewer. I did a big show in New York with the Artist Project New York , there were great crowds there, i did see many of this type of " ah ha moment"  there. Next month I will be participating at the Grand Rapids Michigan "Art Prize". There will be crowds in excess of 100000 people in the community that will be there just to see the art. It runs for 20 days.

Do you have a certain set of clothes you make art in: Comfotable jeans and tank top........slippers or bare feet!

What has been the most frustrating part of being an artist? I wish everyone understood my work and loved it. Everything is subjective i suppose. I do not love everybodies work, but I do respect it. I feel compelled to explain the piece to show the symbolism in the pictures, to tell thier story from my perspective then to take the taste of the words. I find it hard to let people have thier own experience with my work. This is frustrating for me.

What is your favorite sandwich of all time: Jimmy Johns " Italian night club number 9" hold the onion.

Has this year brought about any changes in your work, and if so what are they: Yes my exposure has exploded, The Artist Project, Art Prize and Art Scene Today finalist. I am getting splashed of kudos.  I have also figured out how to edit a little more.

Who is your favorite artist alive or dead: Brian Andres: story people, his own style of art and peotry.

What is the most moving piece of artwork that you have seen in person:
The Last supper in Milan.

Do you have any animals, and what do they think of your work: I have 4 cats, I am constantly chasing them off my desk as i work, they want to lay on everything or chase each other across my desk. Then they will settle down and each of them will be in my art space just laying about.

Do you have any upcoming exhibitions you would like to share with us: Yes. Art Prize Grand Rapids Michigan September 2011.  Echo Salon.              

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