EILEN überdurchschnittlich
(Co-Curated with Lauren Richman)
28 October - 9 December 2017
Alexandrinenstraße 4
10969, Berlin, Germany
Opening Reception:
28 October 2017, 18:00 - 21:00
Pushkin & Gogol is proud to present its inaugural exhibition by Dallas-based artist Jesse Morgan Barnett. Known for his complex yet playful consideration of appropriated images, objects and events based on an ‘aging interest in agnostic proposition and drift’, EILEN überdurchschnittlich builds off previous work that has dealt with forgetting, composition, and the tragicomedy genre.
During the summer of 2016, Jesse Morgan Barnett began corresponding with Valery Spiridonov. At that time, Spiridonov, who lives with a degenerative muscle disease, was the first confirmed head/body transplantation patient, planned for December 2017 in Harbin, China. Valery’s marketing campaign, Desire for Life, presented the public with a vector bicep portrait of him on numerous lifestyle objects available for purchase. However, in the summer of 2017 Valery Spiridonov became a repudiated head/body transplant patient and his campaign came to an abrupt end. Valery had one pair of shoes and would not be made in China, after all.
Spiridonov began to embody comparative tenets of Bushido with his volunteerism, and his surgical denial altered this elaborate seppuku-ish ceremony. Mulling over adages or epigrams to arrive at some compensatory relief, the exhibition’s composition incites a series of questions about conditionality, moving and long-term memory.
Using a variety of sculptures, paintings, and semi-performances, Barnett addresses the hinge between Spiridonov’s pre-surgery and post-repudiated identity.
A publication will be released at the closing of the exhibition on December 9 th ,2017, charting the correlating research including: NASA’s Teachers in Space Project, Andre Ford’s vertical headless chicken farming system, luck, Barnett’s questionnaires with Valery Spiridonov, others. The publication will contain an essay by co-curator Lauren Richman.
JESSE MORGAN BARNETT (b.1978, Taegu, South Korea) is an American artist living and working in Dallas, Texas. He received his MFA in Intermedia from the University of Texas at Arlington. Barnett will be included in a group exhibition in December 2017 at the Museo de la Ciudad in Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico. Selected exhibitions include: Culture Hole, Dallas, Texas; The Goss-Michael Foundation, Dallas, Texas; Réunion, Zürich, Switzerland; Hiroshima Art Center, Hiroshima, Japan; Marty Walker Gallery, Dallas, Texas; Gallery Rostrum, Malmö, Sweden; FQ Projects, Shanghai, China; and Oliver Francis Gallery (OFG.XXX), Dallas, Texas. Barnett is co-founder and co-curator of Dallas Biennial and operator of 1-800-789-2228. www.jessemorganbarnett.com
LAUREN RICHMAN is a doctoral candidate at Southern Methodist University focusing on modern and contemporary art, photography, and film of post-WWII Europe and the United States. Richman’s research interests include historical aberrations of violence, the intersections between art and visual mass culture, and studies of surveillance and political propaganda. Her dissertation project examines the complex mediation of American culture in Cold War-divided West Berlin. Richman received her B.A. in Art History (2011) from Vanderbilt University and her M.A. in the same subject from SMU (2013). Richman currently holds a 2017-2018 Terra Foundation for American Art Predoctoral Fellowship at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
PUSHKIN & GOGOL is a new contemporary art gallery based in Kreuzberg with a private office and viewing space in Charlottenburg. The name Pushkin & Gogol is the title of a fake play written by Soviet-era absurdist Daniil Kharms. Director Kevin Rubén Jacobs originally founded OFG.XXX (b. 2011 a.k.a. Oliver Francis Gallery) in Dallas, Texas, and produced more than 50 exhibitions and performances with local and international emerging and mid-career artists. From 2013 - 2015, he served as curator at the Goss-Michael Foundation managing one of the leading contemporary British art collections in the United States. In mid-2017, Jacobs served as a guest advisor for The Power Station’s new artist residency PROXIMIDAD. www.pushkinandgogol.com
Art, Art, and more Art
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